From the curator
Welcome to the first edition of the weekly newsletter from Moonastery. Every week i curate the best articles across the net on productivity and mental health for you to binge read.
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This weeks catches
Here are some articles that i discovered for this week.
Are we too busy to enjoy life?
This article explains the difference between being busy and productive. It illustrates how we instead of being busy all the time could be productive and enjoy our life to the fullest. It is a must read for everyone who wants a work-life balance in their life.
A Different Way of Thinking About Productivity
An article written by the author of Atomic Habits book. He explains a way to measure time in terms of assets and debts.Which paves a path for you to understand how your time will be used in future based on the actions you take today.
5 Stoic Principles for Modern Living
This article explains the Stoic principles you need in your life to be stress free.In these times of social media negativity and post covid world, You need these principles to help you in living happily and fight anxiety.
How to Have a Positive Mindset During Difficult Times
Due to the Covid calamity, people are having difficulty in keeping a positive mindset and are struggling both personally and professionally, which is impacting their health and leading them to have a negative mindset. This article helps you in tackling this and motivates you to have a positive mindset and be productive in such testing times.
What is deep work, and why is it so important?
This articles takes its bits from Cal Newports book on Deep Work and explains what is deep work and why you need it in your life. Deep work is very rare these days with a lot of distractions around us, This explains its importance in todays world.
That's all for this week, I'll be back next week, same time, same place!